Proper nutrition for weight loss: how to eat to lose weight

Low carb diet. fat free? cayenne pepper and cabbage soup; strictly yellow custard and water. It seems like every day there's a new weight loss diet plan that promises quick results, from the clever to the insane. Eating right for weight loss is something that many of us have tried to do at least once. . . or twice. . . or, let's face it, many times.

Balanced diet menu

Important points for proper nutrition

Your cousin swears that giving up bread for a few weeks helped her lose weight right before college. On the other hand, you couldn't have eaten a piece of bread for five years and still not have lost those last few pounds. As soon as you learn the intricacies of one diet, another appears, threatening to be even more effective.

Take, for example, a study conducted in August 2015. It found that for obese adults, cutting back on fatty foods helped them lose weight 68% faster than cutting back on carbohydrates. What wonderful news!

But before you start ditching your favorite full-fat dairy products, take a look at another study from just two months later. According to this study, following a low-carb diet as well as a Mediterranean diet is more effective in weight loss than restricting carbohydrate intake. Scientists say that no diet works well in the long term, and a low-fat diet for weight loss can even be harmful.

However, hope dies last. In fact, there is an optimal diet plan that will help you lose weight. This is the meal plan that works for you. Not in the case of your husband, brother or colleague, but one that works with your body's needs and, combined with regular exercise, makes you feel great.

So what is the right diet for weight loss? A meal plan shouldn't be seen as something you have to follow for weeks or months until you reach your goal weight, after which you can go back to your old habits. In fact, going back to old eating habits is why researchers say diets don't work.

Instead, a healthy eating plan should be a lifestyle change you can stick to because, unlike restrictive diets or fads, it's something that's sustainable. The way you eat should make you feel better, giving your body the nutrients it needs so you can live a long, happy, healthy life.

How to eat right to lose weight

Here's information on the best healthy weight loss diets that can help you make the most informed decision.

low carb diet

low carb foods for weight loss

By following a low-carb or ketogenic (extremely low-carb) diet, you drastically reduce or eliminate your glucose intake. Once your body runs out of glucose and there are little to no carbohydrates in your diet that your body uses for energy, your body will begin to use stored fat for this purpose, helping you lose weight quickly.


  • You will likely experience rapid weight loss, especially in the first few weeks and months. When we eat foods with sugar and carbohydrates, our body releases insulin, a hormone responsible for storing energy and body fat. It sends a signal to your cells to store as much energy as possible in the form of glycogen. By drastically reducing our carbohydrate intake, our body produces less insulin. Less insulin in our blood means that glycogen is used by our body for energy and not stored, and when it runs out, fat starts to be used.
  • You can reduce your risk of developing diabetes. When you switch to a low-carb diet, you naturally consume much less sugar and starch. Conversely, a high-carbohydrate diet can increase the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity.
  • Since you'll ideally be replacing grains and other carbohydrates with foods rich in protein and healthy fats, you'll feel fuller and less hungry. Fats and proteins are known for their satiety effect, while cutting down on carbs helps turn off ghrelin, the "hunger hormone. "


  • Reducing or completely eliminating carbohydrates from the diet can lead to a lack of energy and a feeling of fatigue. If you are very active (for example, you do sports), a low-carb diet can reduce your endurance, which is so necessary during training.
  • Carbohydrates are hiding in unexpected places like fruits, legumes and quinoa. Completely eliminating them from your diet can negatively affect your intake of essential vitamins and minerals.

Low fat diet

Low fat diet for weight loss

Eating for weight loss in the form of a low-fat diet reduces the amount of fat consumed, both of plant and animal origin. This diet became especially popular in the US after the federal government's dietary guidelines were released in 1980, which led to the introduction of low-fat foods.


  • Foods high in fat are also usually high in calories. If you're on a calorie-restricted diet, cutting back on high-calorie foods will likely help you lose weight.
  • Limiting your intake of unhealthy fats (such as trans fats) found in sweets, fast food, processed foods and other processed foods can help you lose weight. In addition, it will heal your body.


  • Low-fat foods are often processed foods that contain refined sugar and unnatural ingredients designed to make low-calorie foods look like their natural fat counterparts. These added ingredients can actually cause weight gain.
  • Giving preference to fat-free foods, people often abuse them. This is for two reasons: low-fat foods simply can't match the taste and nutritional value of regular foods, and we're more likely to eat more of them because we know they're low in calories.
  • Our body needs fat! While foods like avocado or butter may be high in calories, they contain healthy fats that our bodies need to function properly. Which would you prefer: cow's cream butter or a lab-created "buttery substance"?

Mediterranean diet

Healthy Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet has its roots in Mediterranean countries such as Italy, Spain, Greece, etc. The Mediterranean diet cannot be called a diet as such - it is a regular diet that contains fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats such as olive oil, high-quality poultry and seafood, which are all natural and grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, animal feed, etc. etc.


  • Since this diet focuses on natural foods, you will consume very few processed or sugary foods. You're more likely to nibble on nuts than cookies, for example.
  • An abundance of foods rich in healthy fats helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


  • While healthy fats are good for us, we need to control our food intake. Because it's so tasty, it's easy to give in to the urge to eat a little more, which can lead to overeating.
  • While the Mediterranean diet is great for your body in the long run, if you're looking to lose weight fast, it's probably not for you.

Vegetarianism or veganism

Although there are different levels of vegetarianism and veganism, most vegetarians avoid eating meat, including seafood and poultry. What do vegans eat? Well, they avoid all animal products, including dairy and eggs.


  • A plant-based diet is naturally low in fat and high in fiber. You don't need to count calories when you eat lettuce.
  • Vegetarian diets have been linked to lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. If you want to control these conditions naturally, cutting out meat can help.
  • Good meat can be expensive! Eliminating it from your diet can really help save money in your budget.


  • Avoiding animal products does not guarantee that you will eat healthy, nutritious food.
  • High-quality animal meat provides the body with essential nutrients that are difficult to obtain from plant foods. Vegans should be especially mindful of their nutritional deficiencies and should consider supplementation.

paleo diet

What about the paleo diet and veganism? These are the two most fashionable diets. "Go paleo" is something we hear more and more these days, especially in the sports community. Paleolithic diet, consisting of foods that our ancient ancestors ate - natural animal meat (they were fed natural food for them), wild fish, nuts, roots, vegetables and fruits.


  • Switching to a grain-free diet can be very beneficial as you cut out the carbohydrates found in insulin-spiking grains and replace them with more vegetables.
  • Following a hunter-gatherer diet can help you get more minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, protein and healthy fats from your food. In fact, if you follow the Paleo diet correctly, it can help improve autoimmune conditions and help you lose weight naturally.
  • Along with eliminating grains, sugar (the main cause of chronic inflammation and disease) is also completely eliminated from the diet. Instead, the diet is filled with popular anti-inflammatory foods like wild-caught salmon (or similar fish), blueberries, leafy greens, and nuts.


  • Unfortunately, many who follow the Paleo diet often consume too much meat, as well as some of the toxic substances of animal origin.
  • In addition, people often consume non-organic foods such as meat, butter, vegetables and fruits. Unless you can afford to buy exclusively organic foods, this diet cannot be considered a Paleo diet.

Remember that you do not need to follow the rules of a specific diet, making up a strict menu of proper nutrition for weight loss. Some aspects of a particular diet may appeal to you, while others may not.

For example, you might want to go vegan one or two days a week to give your wallet a break and encourage your family to try different seasonal vegetables.

Or you can reduce your carb intake for a few weeks to normalize your insulin levels, then switch to a Mediterranean diet where whole grains are eaten in moderation. This is all very good!

It is not necessary to eat specific foods for weight loss day after day, week after week. It is important to simply eat right, eating mainly organic products and excluding any factory foods and sweets whenever possible. At the end of the day, "best" diets (diet systems for weight loss) come and go, but organizing a diet based on natural vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, nuts and whole grains never goes out of style.